Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Idea of building Language Translator

I am bit sad today... why...?
I saw Gmail with language translation feature. It is like you choose your language based on the country you have chosen during creating your Gmail account(I guess). After you choose your language you what you need to do is to start typing. Begin to type the words of your language in English. Type in English as you would exactly pronounce the word in your language and just press the pace bar you will see that word getting converted into the the actual language word chosen by you.
Great isn't it!!! and simple too!!

Now why I am sad??

I am sad because in one of the organizations where I have been, I gave the idea and a technical implementation detail of building the language translator, Bad that it was rejected. If it would have been successful we would have been one of the first guys to do the same thing. And you know it was for the mobile phone...

Though my idea of translation was quite different from the Google's Gmail team as I thought of doing it a voice based language translation.

Hope I could do something easier and better...

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