This framework enables application development, coding, security, information flow and control over the code and application really strong. The programmer is empowered here and is less prone to do mistakes while implementing application's architecture. Frameworks also impose certain standards of coding which every programmer / developer has to use making the code more manageable and readable/understandable.
Frameworks supports 'using pre-built codes and components' including API's which developers can use to build there applications faster and easier. It also makes the applications lesser prone to bugs and more secure.
Lately Ruby or better 'Ruby on Rails' was used or considered as a good alternative for building faster application using PHP in the web as it uses it's own framework (MVC type) for application development and we in Axaya have also been thinking about the same (as told by Murthy Sir once). But Using Rails has some disadvantages like learning a new programming language plus the support of Rails based framework on servers is questioned. How many corporate applications are built using Rails ??
So what do we do..???
Now here comes ZEND FRAMEWORK.!!! A framework for developing PHP application. Now you don't need to learn a new programming language plus your coding becomes easier, more manageable, follows standards and now you develop more secure code too!! You have now become a better programmer / developer following this framework. There are other frameworks also available but, I think it's better if we go by ZEND, the most trusted name so far. ZEND corp. distributes PHP around the web known as Zend core PHP.
ZEND framework supports the familiar JAVA based MVC pattern for application development. This is the basic architecture of most of the JEE based applications. So better compatibility with Java and PHP based applications also.
A small refresher to what MVC is...
Model - It is where the business logic resides. EJBs
Controller - Application flow logic, navigation ( an intermediary between Model and View) - Struts, Servlet, Spring
View - Application front end, basically the UI of the applications - JSF, JSP, including HTML, CSS & Ajax.
...if u want to see the details of Zend Framework please check this out.
Framework (what's there?) -
PHP IDE - from Eclipse (makes developer's life easier ) -
dowld it for free and experience...
The time is not too distant when PHP will stand along with JAVA and .Net as the 3 main languages for developing web applications. -- told by someone.
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