SharePoint has become one of obvious choice of technology for enterprises these days, not excluding the option of using it as a platform for all custom applications, including the rich set of APIs it provides for building custom solutions. Almost all the small-mid to big enterprises are using SharePoint for organizational and business needs.
With the launch of SharePoint 2013, many enterprises are still not able to realize about the actual scope of it along with the backward compatibility provided for solutions built using SharePoint 2010 model/APIs. This is because the new app model and services provided in SharePoint 2013 makes many of the development made in the older version of it to become absolute obsolete. For example, SharePoint 2010 Search, SharePoint web services, the custom UI / branding done in SharePoint 2010 including others, also if you want go cloud then SSOM is also obsolete as CSOM becomes the new way.
My this post helps such audiences to understand the scope of SharePoint and gives an idea where to fit it and what to do with the earlier customization done in SharePoint 2010.
You will be surprised to know that the basic idea of Microsoft in it's latest release of SharePoint is to move away the development out from the SharePoint server. The apps for SharePoint is to be actually hosted in the remote cloud server particularly Microsoft Windows Azure and databases in SQL Azure. But it is not to be hosted in Sharepoint server and this is just to improve the performance of SharePoint server in the cloud environment. To access these apps from SharePoint, the CSOM - Client Server Object Model is used. This only makes call to the remote apps using JavaScript apis or the REST services API and the result is viewed in the SharePoint pages.
In SharePoint 2013 we are left with the 3 options or modes of hosting. These are:
1. In Could - Everything comes from the remote cloud server and is also stored there. It is also known as Auto Hosted App model.
2. In House - Here the model is like SharePoint 2010. The code runs from the SharePoint server but in a separate domain. This is known as SharePoint hosted.
3. Hybrid Hosting - We can still have some apps running in SharePoint server and also some apps hosted in cloud or remote server hosted by the organization itself. This is a combination of SharePoint Hosted and Autohosted apps.
So as we now see the solutions in SharePoint 2013 will be in the form of apps which can be hosted in house or on premises and also to the cloud. There are basically 3 different types of Apps provided to SharePOint developers and these are:
a. Auto Hosted
b. SharePoint Hosted
c. Provider Hosted.
The Provider hosted model has two flavors that means that we can host the app in on premises but in a separate physical server where SharePoint does not rum as well as we can also host it in a 3rd party cloud like Amazon, Rackspace, GoDaddy.
I will discuss the architecture and programming model SharePoint apps in the coming posts.
With the launch of SharePoint 2013, many enterprises are still not able to realize about the actual scope of it along with the backward compatibility provided for solutions built using SharePoint 2010 model/APIs. This is because the new app model and services provided in SharePoint 2013 makes many of the development made in the older version of it to become absolute obsolete. For example, SharePoint 2010 Search, SharePoint web services, the custom UI / branding done in SharePoint 2010 including others, also if you want go cloud then SSOM is also obsolete as CSOM becomes the new way.
My this post helps such audiences to understand the scope of SharePoint and gives an idea where to fit it and what to do with the earlier customization done in SharePoint 2010.
You will be surprised to know that the basic idea of Microsoft in it's latest release of SharePoint is to move away the development out from the SharePoint server. The apps for SharePoint is to be actually hosted in the remote cloud server particularly Microsoft Windows Azure and databases in SQL Azure. But it is not to be hosted in Sharepoint server and this is just to improve the performance of SharePoint server in the cloud environment. To access these apps from SharePoint, the CSOM - Client Server Object Model is used. This only makes call to the remote apps using JavaScript apis or the REST services API and the result is viewed in the SharePoint pages.
In SharePoint 2013 we are left with the 3 options or modes of hosting. These are:
1. In Could - Everything comes from the remote cloud server and is also stored there. It is also known as Auto Hosted App model.
2. In House - Here the model is like SharePoint 2010. The code runs from the SharePoint server but in a separate domain. This is known as SharePoint hosted.
3. Hybrid Hosting - We can still have some apps running in SharePoint server and also some apps hosted in cloud or remote server hosted by the organization itself. This is a combination of SharePoint Hosted and Autohosted apps.
So as we now see the solutions in SharePoint 2013 will be in the form of apps which can be hosted in house or on premises and also to the cloud. There are basically 3 different types of Apps provided to SharePOint developers and these are:
a. Auto Hosted
b. SharePoint Hosted
c. Provider Hosted.
The Provider hosted model has two flavors that means that we can host the app in on premises but in a separate physical server where SharePoint does not rum as well as we can also host it in a 3rd party cloud like Amazon, Rackspace, GoDaddy.
I will discuss the architecture and programming model SharePoint apps in the coming posts.