You may be wondering about how to keep your website crawled by Google regularly. Getting crwaled by Google has great importance.
Do you know how to do it?
Well, the idea is simple. The key to thi question is that Google is content hungry. Google crawlers will just love to crawl your website if you provide fresh and unique content. Bringing fresh content for a website is every webmaster's dream. It is typically difficult for website to have fresh content regularly.
Adding news of the related theme on your website would be a great idea. But you updating the news every day or evry hour would be a headache, right? Wrong.
Did you know that it can be done automatically? Sounds like a magic? No absolutely not. I will explain you to do it in 6 simple and easy steps below. But for the news, you should know that your news should be relevent. i.e. A cricket website should have news related to cricket, if you provide news about chess, your visitors would hardly find it useful which would create a negative impact on your website.
Now the question is how to add news to your website? The answer is a yet another free tool from Google Labs - Google Reader. This is actually Google's news aggregator. You can subscribe news by clicking the 'Subscribe' link. Follow the below mentioned steps to have HTML news hyperlinks in your website which gets updated automatically.
1. Open Google news
2. Type your wanted news. example - cricket. and press Search News.
3. Find RSS feed or Atom feed on the left of the page, where you have all the
Cricket news.
4. A new page with 'xml-tags' would come up. Copy the url and paste it to the
Google reader and press 'search content'.
5. Once done with it, click to 'Subscribe'.
6. Go to 'share' and on the right side of the page find - 'Put a clip on your site'.
Choose an appropriate title, a color and press the 'Get Code' button.
You will find a JavaScript code. Just copy-paste that code to your home page and
see the magic! (Ah! in one sense, it is)
The Google Reader provides an easy and handy way that requires no xml, php, rss knowledge and it is effective too. I have am using it and I am happy. Find the news source on the right hand of the page.
You can add or edit news directly coming from Google News. Not only that if you know the RSS and Atom feed URL of the website like; Yahoo, MSN or any other website, you can just repeat the same procedure from step '4 ' onwards. Google Reader provides an easy way to get crwaled by Google and add news service to your website for visitors.